Thursday, February 26, 2015

Updating for 2015

Hello all.

It's hard to believe that February is coming to an end. It's been an eventful month, weather-wise. And, although we've had a fairly mild winter, except for a few days in the teens, I am ready for spring.

Since my last post, I have submitted Hooked Too to my editor. While she is working on that one, I have done the revision she suggested on Janie's Got It Bad, the 3rd book in the Janie's Got series. The proof is now in my possession and I am doing a read-through for errors, or changes I'd like to make. When finished, I will hand it off to one of my proof readers to catch what my editor and I might have missed.  Below is the book cover, as well as the new design on Book Two.

Please check out my website (the link is at top of home page) for further details.