I've been busy with home projects and have finished two books. Well, one and re-written/finished one that was written several years ago.
I finished Bugs on the Windshield and here is an advanced look at the cover:
Let me know what you think.
I have ordered the proof and once it gets the "all clear" from my proofreader, I can get it on Amazon and get a big order placed.
I also finished Janie's Got It Good, book 4 in the series (and possibly the last), which is now with the editor. I'll be preparing the cover while I wait for the edits to finish.
On October 29, 2016, the Life Journeys Writers Guild will be hosting a LJWG Big Quarterly Author’s n’ Things Showcase Party event from 2 - 5 p.m. at the Blue Crab Stadium in Waldorf. This is open to other vendors, so come on out and see what's available. Think Christmas gifts.
Remember to check out my website for book lists and new news.
That's all for now. Until the next time.