Wednesday, December 16, 2020

 Hello once again.

Lately, I have been taking a lot of pictures during my husband and my morning walks. We've been going to a local walking/biking trail with plenty of color: wildflowers, water, animals, and insects.

Since I am a member of our local Arts Alliance, I've recently been submitting a few of those photos for consideration when the Alliance has Temporary Gallery displays around the Tri-County area.

I currently have one permanent one purchased by the Community Bank of Tri-County - Charlotte Hall; two pictures in the temporary gallery at the Community Bank of Tri-County - Waldorf branch. 

My life is still busy, but I will try to post updates about the submissions here. If you are interested, you can view many of my photos on Flickr, just type in the name Patricia Harrington.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Another year gone

 Hello. Yes, again, I am late putting words down on the Blog.

A lot has happened in the last couple of years and I've lost my inspiration for sitting down and getting into a story. Updating the blog and my website have also been hit hard by life events, as well.

In the next few years, my husband and I will get underway with plans to relocate to another state, which again will affect my writing time. Therefore, when I finish working on several of the stories that are waiting for me to get back to them, I will only do pre-orders. Or they can be purchased from Amazon. 

There it is. Sorry, it's been a long while since I updated you.

Guess I should say, until the next time...whenever that may be. 

Until then, "sit back, put your feet up, and get lost in one of my books."™

Monday, March 2, 2020

Hello all!

Sorry I haven't updated this in so long, but life has gotten in the way...again.

I have recently discovered that Vista Print has changed things on my website, so the domain name has changed, as well as the layout. I'm not happy about that but, regardless, I've updated the above link. Now all of my printed, marketing material is out of date. UGH!

Thus, I have a lot to do to prepare for the 2020 CCAA Artfest in LaPlata, Maryland in June...and none of it will include getting another book finished and printed in time.

I will need to set aside time to write this new link information on some my business cards, which BTW, were just recently ordered.

Okay, need to get busy, so until the next time, sit back, put your feet up, and get lost in one of my books.™