Thursday, October 26, 2017

OMG! My last post was March and it's now October.

I knew it had been a while since I posted here, but had no idea it had been that long.

It's been a busy summer. I've done a few events, one being the annual LaPlata Artfest, but mostly I've been taking care of things around the house, training and walking my German Shepherd pup, taking a gun course, visiting or helping nieces/nephews and/or parents.

I also had "kick back, put your feet up, and get lost in one of my books" trade-marked. Which means all new market material will have to have that added.

Still a lot to be done, however, I'm powering down on those for the winter and will get back to writing. Plus, researching other market venues. This is the type of thing one has to deal with when becoming an Indie writer. I love having control over my work, yet, when it comes to marketing and expanding my fanbase, I feel overwhelmed.

And, if I could afford to hire a maid, I'd have more time to dedicate to all of the above.

Nice! I notice that I've been writing this blog since 2009. I'll try to do better in 2018, on all accounts.

Until next time, kick back, put your feet up, and get lost in one of my books ™.

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