Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Waldorf Library Authors Reception

On October 13, I and six other authors from the Life Journeys Writers Club attended a local authors reception at the new library in Waldorf.

Although not officially open, the Director, Emily, held the event there to allow people to get a sneak peak of the new building.

There were about 16 or 18 authors in attendance. Several got to read from their work. Then there was a short break to allow people to roam and talk to authors or buy books.

I had several people stop by my table, although none bought a book. I did hand out several business cards and/or post cards. I left the event a little after 3, which was the time the event was to end but it was still going strong.

My new book, Janie's Got A New Job, had not been delivered yet, so I just had Hooked to offer.

Janie has since come in and will be available on Oct. 27th at the FallFest at Blue Crabs stadium in Waldorf. I hope and pray I sell most of the books I ordered, as I ordered a larger amount this time around to save on shipping charges.

I don't have anything planned after this but will have to look for ways to sell Janie (One). I need to find other avenues to sell my books. I cannot depend on just family to buy them.

That's it for now.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Latest News

On Saturday, Oct. 6, we went to Collingswood, NJ for their annual book fair. It proved to be a long day.

We (husband and oldest granddaughter and I) left late and got there later than planned. The writers club prez had some problems and couldn't make it...thus I was without a table or chair or tent, etc. that she said she would bring. Fortunately, she and I talked and she said one of the other members was already there and would have a place available at his table. 

The place was busy. They had 5 or 6 blocks blocked off with the streets filled with vendors. 

Sorry to say, I did not sell any books (there were so many other book sellers there) but I did get some ideas on how to improve sales on the ebooks. Thus, I came up with the following:

HOLIDAY SPECIAL: I will be offering a Special between Thanksgiving and New Year = Hooked for 99¢. 

We left at 2 in order to grab some lunch before making the 3 hour trip back home. 

This Saturday, Oct. 13, I will be at the Charles County Local Authors Reception at the new Waldorf library from 1 - 3. Then a break before another book signing (with new book, Janie's Got A New Job) at the Blue Crabs FallFest on the 27th. 

That will be it until I can plan another book signing at the Booknuts book store in White Plain, MD. I will be receiving my order of Janie hard copies around the 22nd and will need a venue for sales. 

Til next and enjoy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Second Romance Published

I have just uploaded Janie's Got A New Job to Amazon-Kindle. An order for hard copies has been placed, but it will take two weeks to get delivery.

I will not be selling books through Barnes and Noble. Due to low sales of Hooked, I never received royalties from them. If sales pick up, or I have enough requests to sell Janie's story through that website, only then will I put it and future books on their site.

On Saturday, September 29th, I had my first book signing event at Booknuts in White Plains, MD. The owners are working to have a local author's event each month to introduce new and upcoming authors.  It was a good event and an easy one for my first official outing.

I will now begin to prepare Book Two of Janie's Got for publishing next year. I am also working on Gail Warnings, about the four elderly witches. I hope that will be ready for 2013 publication.